What is Float Therapy?
Updated: Jan 11, 2020
Have you ever experienced true weightlessness? With float therapy, you can while releasing all stress and tension.
There are both physical and mental benefits to float therapy, making it a highly effective way to achieve deeper relaxation, better sleep, improved sports recovery, and support an overall healthy lifestyle.
In this article, we’re going to share more about how everyone can support a healthy lifestyle with regular float sessions and answer the top questions we receive about floating.
The Benefits of Float Therapy
Float therapy offers numerous benefits, including:
Stress Relief
Neck and Shoulder Relief
Muscle Relief
Better Sleep
Jet Lag
Its gentle weightlessness can help relieve stress and has been shown to reduce neck and shoulder tension.
Instead of rushing between appointments and an ever-growing to-do list, spending time in a float pod brings you into the present.
The Epsom salts in the float pod also supports healthy magnesium levels, which soothes achy muscles.
Whether you’re an everyday athlete or training at an elite level, regular float sessions during peak training periods can help improve your recovery so you can get back to training.
A lesser known benefit of floating therapy is resetting your Circadian rhythm to resolve jet lag more efficiently.
Simply schedule a session the day or day after your trip, and you’ll soon be back in Pacific time physically, not just spatially.

Top Questions About Float Therapy
While floating is a growing service on the West coast (and beyond), there are still some frequently asked questions about the service.
How Do You Achieve Weightlessness in the Float Pod?
In your first session, you may be surprised that you don’t need to try to float. Each pod features a skin temperature solution of 1,200 pounds of Epsom salts. Upon getting into the pod, simply lay back, relax, and enjoy the relaxing, buoyant effect Epsom salts offer.
What if I’m Claustrophobic?
We clean the salt water in the pods after each float. Our advanced filtering process cycles the water three to four times, and the filter is fully effective to one micron. (Which is one hundred times smaller than a human hair!) Additionally, Epsom salts act as a natural disinfectant and we include a safe level of hydrogen peroxide for additional cleanliness.
All guests also shower before their float to remove germs and dirt. Sanitation is of the utmost priority to us. We continually test and monitor the water at each of our locations to ensure it is clean and safe for every guest.
Our pods are very spacious, giving you space to stretch out without touching the sides. It’s also possible to enjoy a relaxing floating experience even with the top of the pod cracked open. There are also lights that can be left on, creating a soothing experience throughout the float. While there will be no sensory deprivation, we still find clients enjoy the support these float spa sessions provide. We’re happy to walk you through the experience before you begin so you feel confident about floating.

How are The Pods Cleaned?
We clean the salt water in the pods after each float. Our advanced filtering process cycles the water three to four times, and the filter is fully effective to one micron. (Which is one hundred times smaller than a human hair!) Additionally, Epsom salts act as a natural disinfectant and we include a safe level of hydrogen peroxide for additional cleanliness.
All guests also shower before their float to remove germs and dirt. Sanitation is of the utmost priority to us. We continually test and monitor the water at each of our locations to ensure it is clean and safe for every guest.
Can I Use Float Therapy While Pregnant?
While we always recommend checking with your doctor, float therapy is safe during pregnancy and has been shown to relieve aches and pains. It’s also an incredible opportunity to bond with your baby and prepare for labor and delivery. Many soon-to-be moms enjoy the weightless feeling in the third trimester as their bodies continue to change.
How Long Is Each Floating Session?
Each float lasts one hour, with time before and after to shower. Music will begin playing when you have five minutes left to ease you back into reality after your time in the pod.
Do I Need to Bring Anything in Order to Float?
Nope! We provide everything you need to shower, as well as earplugs and a robe. You float nude, so there is no need for a bathing suit. We also offer hair dryers, so you can enjoy your float session before heading onto the rest of your day.
Support Your Healthy Lifestyle
Float therapy is more than a floating nap. (Though that’s certainly one of the benefits!) It is one of the best ways to support a healthy lifestyle, whether you’re looking for fitness recovery, stress relief, or better sleep.
Now that you know the benefits of floating and have your questions answered, it’s time to schedule your first session!
We have three convenient Bay Area locations – the Mission, Marina or East Bay. All can be booked online right now.
Still have questions? We’re here to help. Give us a call at (415) 800-2011.