REBOOT COVID-19 Safety Protocols
It is an honor to be able to provide a place of healing, relaxation, and respite for the community, especially in uncertain and stressful times.
At Reboot, your health is our top priority. Our staff is following the CDC Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations to ensure the entire environment is sterile. Read below for all of the other precautions we're taking:
-We have closed our lobby, lounge, and bathrooms so that it's appointment-only, no waiting around, mingling, or chairs being shared.
-Super low capacity: Including employees, our Oakland location is only 9 people in our 2,400 square foot space. That's 266 square feet per person.
-We sanitize all surfaces such as: doorknobs, handles, tables, etc. throughout the day and specifically in-between appointments for the sauna, float, and cryo rooms.
-We're only offering float therapy & whole-body cryotherapy (all services that require no contact from the employee and 6 feet of distance is kept at all times.)
-We've added extra time in-between all appointments so that treatment rooms have 30 minutes to air out before they are sanitized and the next client goes in.
-Mandatory masks for everyone inside the space. We have extra masks to provide.
-Signs posted upon entry about masks and social distancing.
-Front door kept open all day.
-Employees test their temperature with laser thermometer before each shift and log it.
-Dots on floor in lobby that show 6 feet of distance.
-Provided hand sanitizer for customers and employees throughout the spas.
-Disposable gloves for employees.
-Changing air filters and running HVAC system continuously.
-Contactless checkout and check-in.
-Laundry washed and dried at high-heat.
In addition to our cleaning, here's why Float, Cryo & Sauna are safe environments:
-For Cryo, the gear is all washed after every session so you'll be putting on freshly washed gloves, socks, robe, and facemask.
-For Sauna, we're sanitizing all the surfaces in between appointments. The high heat of 140 degrees is also inhospitable for viruses.
-For Floating, the high salinity of the float solution is 100% inhospitable to viruses and has been confirmed by Dr. Vore with the CDC. He has stated that COVID-19 "Is not spread in water, such as float water."
Included below are several direct quotes from Dr. Roy Vore concerning the novel coronavirus. Dr. Vore is a microbial physiologist, internationally recognized as the pool and spa sector’s leading authority on recreational water illness.
“Epidemiologists are still investigating how COVID-19 spreads. At this time it is believed that the virus is spread in droplets from sneezing and coughing. When someone inhales an infected droplet, the virus enters the upper respiratory tract and may cause infection. Based on other similar viruses, this happens when two people are within 6 feet of each other. There is some indication that touching surfaces contaminated with droplets can cause infection but this is not the main way the virus is spread.
Most similar viruses are spread after an infected person develops symptoms, in this case a fever. There are some indications that infected individuals without symptoms may be able to spread the virus to others but this is not the main way it is spread.”
“The concentration of salt [in a float tank] used will provide a reasonable inactivation but not likely to be complete. But this virus is spread both by contact and inhalation of air-borne droplets; it is not water-borne. As such, the water is not the medium of transmission. All float centers should focus on disinfection of hard surfaces including chairs, door knobs, check in counters, and all solid surfaces where someone might place their hand. We should be emphasizing this, rather than testing survival times in the float solution.”
-Dr. Roy Vore
Please reach out to us if you have any further questions or concerns.
Information about SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 changes daily. The most reliable source of information is the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Team Reboot