Customer Spotlight Interview: Ken Brenniman

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

As a regular guest at Reboot for several years, and a long time float practitioner since well before Reboot opened it's doors, Ken struck our staff as having a deep dedication to and appreciation for the practice of floating and how it integrates into his personal and professional life.

We took a moment to speak with Ken about his experience floating over the years and how it has helped him in profound ways.


How many years have you been floating?


I have been floating for over 16 years.


Have you followed any kind of consistent schedule?


I aim for 2x/months on average, although it fluctuates depending on my schedule, of course. Sometimes I float more often, sometimes less.


Do you try to schedule your floats in a way that is synergistic with other aspects of your professional work and/or personal life?


The reason I believe it’s been such an integral part of my healing is as an extrovert who is in the healing professions. It’s an ideal way to be with myself and literally reboot. As an “unwanted” second child in a emotionally neglectful home environment, it’s a gift I give my inner child. :).

Psychedelic healing, weight lifting, yoga and sound baths are primary forms of self care and floating fits in nicely as a way to integrate any of those modes.


Anything else you'd like to share?


Reboot has been an amazing home to access float tanks, other beneficial services, and like-minded community.

Thank you, Ken, for sharing your experiences at Reboot and with floating more broadly, and for your open-hearted approach to life and wellness.

You can find Ken on his Instagram and website.